2 Week 2: Tokenization and Word Frequency


  • 3 Tokenization and Word Frequency (link or in Perusall)

2.1 Setup

As always, we first load the packages that we’ll be using:

library(tidyverse) # for wrangling data
library(tidylog) # to know what we are wrangling
library(tidytext) # for 'tidy' manipulation of text data
library(quanteda) # tokenization power house
library(wesanderson) # to prettify
library(readxl) # to read excel
library(kableExtra) # for displaying data in html format (relevant for formatting this worksheet mainly)

2.2 Get Data:

For this example, we will be using small corpus of song lyrics.

sample_lyrics <- read_excel("data/lyrics_sample.xlsx")
## # A tibble: 6 × 5
##   artist                   album                      year song           lyrics
##   <chr>                    <chr>                     <dbl> <chr>          <chr> 
## 1 Rage Against the Machine Evil Empire                1996 Bulls on Para… "Come…
## 2 Rage Against the Machine Rage Against the Machine   1992 Killing in th… "Kill…
## 3 Rage Against the Machine Renegades                  2000 Renegades of … "No m…
## 4 Rage Against the Machine The Battle of Los Angeles  1999 Sleep Now in … "Yeah…
## 5 Rage Against the Machine The Battle of Los Angeles  1999 Guerrilla Rad… "Tran…
## 6 Rage Against the Machine The Battle of Los Angeles  1999 Testify        "Uh!\…

Ok, so we have different artists, from different genres and year…

##      Megan Thee Stallion Rage Against the Machine         System of a Down 
##                        5                        6                        5 
##             Taylor Swift 
##                        5

And we have the lyrics in the following form:

## [1] "Yeah\r\n\r\nThe world is my expense\r\nIt’s the cost of my desire\r\nJesus blessed me with its future\r\nAnd I protect it with fire\r\n\r\nSo raise your fists and march around\r\nJust don’t take what you need\r\nI’ll jail and bury those committed\r\nAnd smother the rest in greed\r\n\r\nCrawl with me into tomorrow\r\nOr I’ll drag you to your grave\r\nI’m deep inside your children\r\nThey’ll betray you in my name\r\n\r\nHey, hey, sleep now in the fire\r\nHey, hey, sleep now in the fire\r\n\r\nThe lie is my expense\r\nThe scope of my desire\r\nThe party blessed me with its future\r\nAnd I protect it with fire\r\n\r\nI am the Niña, the Pinta, the Santa María\r\nThe noose and the rapist, the fields overseer\r\nThe Agents of Orange, the Priests of Hiroshima\r\nThe cost of my desire, sleep now in the fire\r\n\r\nHey, hey, sleep now in the fire\r\nHey, hey, sleep now in the fire\r\n\r\nFor it’s the end of history\r\nIt’s caged and frozen still\r\nThere is no other pill to take\r\nSo swallow the one that made you ill\r\n\r\nThe Niña, the Pinta, the Santa María\r\nThe noose and the rapist, the fields overseer\r\nThe Agents of Orange, the Priests of Hiroshima\r\nThe cost of my desire to sleep now in the fire\r\n\r\nYeah\r\n\r\nSleep now in the fire\r\nSleep now in the fire\r\nSleep now in the fire\r\nSleep now in the fire"

2.3 Cleaning the Text

Much like music, text comes in different forms and qualities. From the Regex workshop, you might remember that there are special characters that can signal, for example, a new line (\n), or carriage return (\r). For this example, we can get rid of them 3. Before working with text, always check the state of your documents once loaded into your program of choice.

sample_lyrics <- sample_lyrics %>%
  mutate(lyrics_clean = str_replace_all(lyrics,"\\n", "\\."),
         lyrics_clean = str_replace_all(lyrics_clean,"\\r", "\\.")) %>%
## mutate: new variable 'lyrics_clean' (character) with 21 unique values and 0% NA
## select: dropped one variable (lyrics)
## [1] "Yeah....The world is my expense..It’s the cost of my desire..Jesus blessed me with its future..And I protect it with fire....So raise your fists and march around..Just don’t take what you need..I’ll jail and bury those committed..And smother the rest in greed....Crawl with me into tomorrow..Or I’ll drag you to your grave..I’m deep inside your children..They’ll betray you in my name....Hey, hey, sleep now in the fire..Hey, hey, sleep now in the fire....The lie is my expense..The scope of my desire..The party blessed me with its future..And I protect it with fire....I am the Niña, the Pinta, the Santa María..The noose and the rapist, the fields overseer..The Agents of Orange, the Priests of Hiroshima..The cost of my desire, sleep now in the fire....Hey, hey, sleep now in the fire..Hey, hey, sleep now in the fire....For it’s the end of history..It’s caged and frozen still..There is no other pill to take..So swallow the one that made you ill....The Niña, the Pinta, the Santa María..The noose and the rapist, the fields overseer..The Agents of Orange, the Priests of Hiroshima..The cost of my desire to sleep now in the fire....Yeah....Sleep now in the fire..Sleep now in the fire..Sleep now in the fire..Sleep now in the fire"

2.4 Tokenization

Our goal is to create a document-feature matrix, from which we will later extract information about word frequency. To do that, we start by crating a corpus object, from the quanteda package.

corpus_lyrics <- corpus(sample_lyrics,
                     text_field = "lyrics_clean",
                     unique_docnames = TRUE)

## Corpus consisting of 21 documents, showing 21 documents:
##    Text Types Tokens Sentences                   artist
##   text1   119    375        35 Rage Against the Machine
##   text2    52    853        83 Rage Against the Machine
##   text3   188    835        91 Rage Against the Machine
##   text4    97    352        38 Rage Against the Machine
##   text5   160    440        50 Rage Against the Machine
##   text6   133    535        67 Rage Against the Machine
##   text7   104    559        53         System of a Down
##   text8    67    365        40         System of a Down
##   text9    68    298        33         System of a Down
##  text10    65    258        32         System of a Down
##  text11   137    558        68         System of a Down
##  text12   131    876        70             Taylor Swift
##  text13   159    465        41             Taylor Swift
##  text14   162    544        62             Taylor Swift
##  text15   196    738        84             Taylor Swift
##  text16   169    549        50             Taylor Swift
##  text17   229    867        55      Megan Thee Stallion
##  text18   193    664        61      Megan Thee Stallion
##  text19   310   1190        87      Megan Thee Stallion
##  text20   198    656        48      Megan Thee Stallion
##  text21   256   1050        73      Megan Thee Stallion
##                       album year                  song
##                 Evil Empire 1996       Bulls on Parade
##    Rage Against the Machine 1992   Killing in the Name
##                   Renegades 2000     Renegades of Funk
##   The Battle of Los Angeles 1999 Sleep Now in the Fire
##   The Battle of Los Angeles 1999       Guerrilla Radio
##   The Battle of Los Angeles 1999               Testify
##                   Mezmerize 2005               B.Y.O.B
##                    Toxicity 2001            Chop Suey!
##                    Toxicity 2001               Aerials
##                    Toxicity 2001               Toxicty
##                    Toxicity 2001                 Sugar
##                        1989 2014          Shake it Off
##                   Midnights 2022             Anti-Hero
##                    Fearless 2008    You Belong With Me
##                        1989 2014           Blank Space
##                    Fearless 2008            Love Story
##                  Traumazine 2022                Plan B
##                        Suga 2020                Savage
##  Something for Thee Hotties 2021             Thot Shit
##                  Traumazine 2022                   Her
##                  Traumazine 2022            Ungrateful

Looks good. Now we can tokenize our corpus (and reduce complexity). One benefit of creating a corpus object first is that we maintain all the metadata for every document when we tokenize. This will come in handy in the future.

lyrics_toks <- tokens(corpus_lyrics,
                   remove_numbers = TRUE, # Thinks about this
                   remove_punct = TRUE, # Remove punctuation!
                   remove_url = TRUE) # Might be helpful
## Tokens consisting of 2 documents and 4 docvars.
## text4 :
##  [1] "Yeah"    "The"     "world"   "is"      "my"      "expense" "It’s"   
##  [8] "the"     "cost"    "of"      "my"      "desire" 
## [ ... and 227 more ]
## text14 :
##  [1] "You're"     "on"         "the"        "phone"      "with"      
##  [6] "your"       "girlfriend" "she's"      "upset"      "She's"     
## [11] "going"      "off"       
## [ ... and 385 more ]

We got rid of the punctuation. Now let’s remove stop words, high and low frequency words, and stem the remaining tokens. Here I am cheating, though. I know that high and low frequency words because I checked my dfm (see next code chunk).

lyrics_toks <- tokens_remove(lyrics_toks,
                          # you can change or add stopwords depending on the 
                          # language(s) of the documents
                          c(stopwords(language = "en"),
                            # Now is high frequency... there are many low
                            # frequency tokens. We will check these later
                          padding = F)

lyrics_toks_stem <- tokens_wordstem(lyrics_toks, language = "en")

## Tokens consisting of 2 documents and 4 docvars.
## text4 :
##  [1] "Yeah"    "world"   "expense" "It’s"    "cost"    "desire"  "Jesus"  
##  [8] "blessed" "future"  "protect" "fire"    "raise"  
## [ ... and 105 more ]
## text14 :
##  [1] "phone"      "girlfriend" "upset"      "going"      "something" 
##  [6] "said"       "Cause"      "get"        "humor"      "like"      
## [11] "room"       "typical"   
## [ ... and 133 more ]
## Tokens consisting of 2 documents and 4 docvars.
## text4 :
##  [1] "Yeah"    "world"   "expens"  "It’s"    "cost"    "desir"   "Jesus"  
##  [8] "bless"   "futur"   "protect" "fire"    "rais"   
## [ ... and 105 more ]
## text14 :
##  [1] "phone"      "girlfriend" "upset"      "go"         "someth"    
##  [6] "said"       "Caus"       "get"        "humor"      "like"      
## [11] "room"       "typic"     
## [ ... and 133 more ]

We can compare the stemmed output and the non-stemmed output. Why did ‘future’ become ‘futur’? Because we are assuming that, for our purposes, ‘future=futuristic’. This is for the researcher to decide. And finally, we can create our document-feature matrix (dfm).

lyrics_dfm <- dfm(lyrics_toks)
lyrics_dfm_stem <- dfm(lyrics_toks_stem)

## Document-feature matrix of: 6 documents, 1,165 features (93.12% sparse) and 4 docvars.
##        features
## docs    come wit microphon explod shatter mold either drop hit like
##   text1    4   4         1      1       1    1      1    3   1    1
##   text2    2   0         0      0       0    0      0    0   0    0
##   text3    0   0         0      0       0    0      0    0   0    4
##   text4    0   0         0      0       0    0      0    0   0    0
##   text5    0   0         0      0       0    0      0    0   0    1
##   text6    0   4         0      0       0    0      0    0   0    0
## [ reached max_nfeat ... 1,155 more features ]

Note that once we create the dfm object, all the tokens become lowercase. Now we can check what are the 15 most frequent tokens.

lyrics_dfm_stem %>%
  textstat_frequency(n=30) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = reorder(feature,frequency),y=frequency,fill = (frequency), color = (frequency))) +
  geom_col(alpha=0.5) +
  coord_flip() +
  scale_x_reordered() +
  scale_color_distiller(palette = "PuOr") +
  scale_fill_distiller(palette = "PuOr") +
  theme_minimal() + 
  labs(x="",y="Frequency",color = "", fill = "") +

Does not tell us much, but I used the previous code to check for low-information tokens that I might want to remove from my analysis. We can also see how many tokens appear only once:

only_once <- lyrics_dfm_stem %>%
  textstat_frequency() %>%
  filter(frequency == 1)
## filter: removed 566 rows (49%), 599 rows remaining
## [1] 599

More interesting for text analysis is to count words over time/space. In this case, our ‘space’ can be the artist.

lyrics_dfm_stem %>%
  textstat_frequency(n=15, groups = c(artist)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = reorder_within(feature,frequency,group),y=frequency,fill = group, color = group)) +
  geom_col(alpha = 0.5) +
  coord_flip() +
  facet_wrap(~group, scales = "free") +
  scale_x_reordered() +
  scale_color_brewer(palette = "PuOr") +
  scale_fill_brewer(palette = "PuOr") +
  theme_minimal() + 
  labs(x="",y="",color = "", fill = "") +

Interesting. Not a lot of overlap (apart from a token from Megan Thee Stallion and Rage Against the Machine). However, it would be great if we could measure the importance of a word relative to how much it appears across documents (one way to denominate). Enter TF-IDF: “Term-Frequency / Inverse-Document-frequency”. TF-IDF weighting up-weights relatively rare words that do not appear in all documents. Using term frequency and inverse document frequency allows us to find words that are characteristic for one document within a collection of documents.

lyrics_dfm_tfidf <- dfm_tfidf(lyrics_dfm_stem)

lyrics_dfm_tfidf %>%
  textstat_frequency(n=15, groups = c(artist), force=T) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = reorder_within(feature,frequency,group),y=frequency,fill = group, color = group)) +
  geom_col(alpha = 0.5) +
  coord_flip() +
  facet_wrap(~group, scales = "free") +
  scale_x_reordered() +
  scale_color_brewer(palette = "PuOr") +
  scale_fill_brewer(palette = "PuOr") +
  theme_minimal() + 
  labs(x="",y="TF-IDF",color = "", fill = "") +

If we are building a dictionary, for example, we might want to include words with high TF-IDF values. Another way to think about TF-IDF is in terms of predictive power. Words that are common to all documents do not have any predictive power and receive a TD-IDF value of 0. Words that appear, but only in relatively few document, have greater predictive power and receive a TD-IDF > 0. Very rare words are also penalized, since these might provide only specific information about one document (i.e., high prediction for one document but no information about the rest). As you will read in Chapter 6/7 in Grimmer et al., the idea is to find the right balance.

Another useful tool (and concept) is keyness. Keyness is a two-by-two association score for features that occur differentially across different categories. We can estimate which features are associated more with one category (in this case, one artist), compared to the other. Let’s compare Megan Thee Stallion and Taylor Swift.

lyrics_dfm_ts_mts <- dfm_subset(lyrics_dfm_stem, year > 2006)

lyrics_key <- textstat_keyness(lyrics_dfm_ts_mts, 
                              target = lyrics_dfm_ts_mts$artist == "Taylor Swift")

Similar to what we would have implied from the TF-IDF graphs. Notice that stemming does not always works are expected. Taylor Swift sings about “shake, shake, shake” and Megan Thee Stallion sings about “shaking”. However, both words appear as distinct features from both artists.

2.5 Word Frequency Across Artist

We can do something similar to what we did last week to look at word frequencies. Rather than creating a dfm, we can use the dataset as is, and get some information. For example, the average number of tokens by artist.

sample_lyrics %>%
  # take the column lyrics_clean and divide it by words
  # this uses a similar tokenizer to quanteda
  unnest_tokens(word, lyrics_clean) %>%
  group_by(song) %>%
  mutate(total_tk_song = n()) %>%
  distinct(song,.keep_all=T) %>% 
  group_by(artist) %>%
  mutate(mean_tokens = mean(total_tk_song)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=song,y=total_tk_song,fill=artist,color=artist)) +
  geom_col(alpha=.8) +
  geom_hline(aes(yintercept = mean_tokens, color = artist), linetype = "dashed")+
  scale_color_manual(values = wes_palette("Royal2")) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = wes_palette("Royal2")) +
  facet_wrap(~artist, scales = "free_x", nrow = 1) + 
  theme_minimal() +
        axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, size = 5,vjust = 0.5, hjust=1)) +
  labs(x="", y = "Total Tokens", color = "", fill = "",
       caption = "Note: Mean token length in dashed line.")
## group_by: one grouping variable (song)
## mutate (grouped): new variable 'total_tk_song' (integer) with 20 unique values and 0% NA
## distinct (grouped): removed 8,958 rows (>99%), 21 rows remaining
## group_by: one grouping variable (artist)
## mutate (grouped): new variable 'mean_tokens' (double) with 4 unique values and 0% NA

Alternatively, we can estimate the frequency of a specific token by song.

lyrics_totals <- sample_lyrics %>%
  # take the column lyrics_clean and divide it by words
  # this uses a similar tokenizer to quanteda
  unnest_tokens(word, lyrics_clean) %>%
  group_by(song) %>%
  mutate(total_tk_song = n()) %>%
## group_by: one grouping variable (song)
## mutate (grouped): new variable 'total_tk_song' (integer) with 20 unique values and 0% NA
## distinct (grouped): removed 8,958 rows (>99%), 21 rows remaining
# let's look for "like"
lyrics_like <- sample_lyrics %>%
  # take the column lyrics_clean and divide it by words
  # this uses a similar tokenizer to quanteda
  unnest_tokens(word, lyrics_clean) %>%
  filter(word=="like") %>%
  group_by(song) %>%
  mutate(total_like_song = n()) %>%
## filter: removed 8,934 rows (99%), 45 rows remaining
## group_by: one grouping variable (song)
## mutate (grouped): new variable 'total_like_song' (integer) with 7 unique values and 0% NA
## distinct (grouped): removed 33 rows (73%), 12 rows remaining

We can now join these two data frames together with the left_join() function and join by the “song” column. We can then pipe the joined data into a plot.

lyrics_totals %>%
  left_join(lyrics_like, by = "song") %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  mutate(like_prop = total_like_song/total_tk_song) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=song,y=like_prop,fill=artist,color=artist)) +
  geom_col(alpha=.8) +
  scale_color_manual(values = wes_palette("Royal2")) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = wes_palette("Royal2")) +
  facet_wrap(~artist, scales = "free_x", nrow = 1) + 
  theme_minimal() +
        axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, size = 5,vjust = 0.5, hjust=1)) +
  labs(x="", y = "Prop. of \'Like\'", color = "", fill = "")
## left_join: added one column (total_like_song)
##            > rows only in x    9
##            > rows only in y  ( 0)
##            > matched rows     12
##            >                 ====
##            > rows total       21
## ungroup: no grouping variables
## mutate: new variable 'like_prop' (double) with 13 unique values and 43% NA

2.6 Final Words

As will be often the case, we won’t be able to cover every single feature that the different packages have to offer, or how some objects that we create look like, or what else we can do with them. My advise is that you go home and explore the code in detail. Try applying the code to a different corpus and come next class with questions (or just show off what you were able to do).